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Our offer > Lean Manufacturing

Although already widely deployed in manufacturing, the lean concept isn’t as easily applied to a supply chain organization. It becomes even more difficult when the latter is geographically spread out and that the maturity level is heterogeneous. It is then advised to come back to the Lean Manufacturing basic questions:

  • How to improve productivity and to limit losses?
  • How to control machine capacity?
  • What are the drivers for cycle-time reduction?
  • Which tools box do the operators need?
  • How to measure the maturity level of the company's entities? 


Decision Value can help you to improve your results, without being dogmatic or lapsing into a productivity or 0-stock race often at the expense of demand fulfillment:

  • Conception of the company's production system 
    • Identification of the fundamental principles of the company's production system
    • Structuring and explaining the "Tools" Box made for the operators (Processes, routines, continuous improvement tools,...)
    • Audit of the maturity to evaluate the principles implementation level of each entity
  • Implementation of specific Lean actions
    • "Lean Manufacturing" actions : 5S, Kanban, ...
    • Continuous improvement projects: SMED, Kaizen, ...
  • Lean Data Management
    • Definition of the data governance strategy
    • Structuring a data cleansing plan